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Biblioteca y Archivo "Prof. Willy Baranger"

The origins of signs

. . En: Journal of Melanie Klein and Object Relations; An International Journal dedicated to the understanding of object relations.
Toronto :
, . Vol. 17, no. 1 (1999). (A) ARTICULO

The pain in the patient's knee

. . En: Journal of Melanie Klein and Object Relations; An International Journal Dedicated to the Understanding of Object Relations.
Toronto :
, . Vol. 17, no. 2 (1999). ISSN: 1-883881-43-9. (A) ARTICULO

The case of Lois D.

. . En: Journal of Melanie Klein and Object Relations; An International Journal Dedicated to the Understanding of Object Relations.
Toronto :
, . Vol. 17, no. 2 (1999). ISSN: 1-883881-43-9. (A) ARTICULO

Voices from the playroom

. . En: Journal of Melanie Klein and Object Relations; An International Journal Dedicated to the Understanding of Object Relations.
Toronto :
, . Vol. 17, no. 2 (1999). ISSN: 1-883881-43-9. (A) ARTICULO
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