El apego : una mirada desde el relacionamiento
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Teoría del apego
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Rethinking adult attachment : a study of expert consensus
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Links among antenatal attachment representations, postnatal mind-mindedness, and infant attachment security : a preliminary study of mothers and fathers
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Attachment and sibling rivalry in Little Hans : the fantasy of the two giraffes revisited
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International Universities Press
Attachement et séparation: prédictibilité et thérapeutique
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Presses Universitaires de France
Sexuality and attachment : a passionate relationship or a marriage of convenience?
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The Psychoanalytic Quarterly
Attachment and separateness : a theoretical context for the integration of object relations theory with self psychology
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Yale University
Revisting approachement in the light of contemporary developmental theories
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Apego y desapego en la obra de Dalí
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Attachment behaviour, object relations and the dynamic-economic points of view ; critical review of Bowlby's "Attachmente and loss"
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The exclusivity of the mother-cild bond : contributions from psychoanalytic and attachment theories and day-care research
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On attachment to painful feelings and the negative therapeutic reaction
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Attachement a la théorie ou théorie de l'attachement...
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The organized categories of infant, child, and adult attachment : flexible vs. inflexible attention under attachment-related stress
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Sullivan's contributions to understanding personality development in light of attachment theory and contemporary models of the mind
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Society for Psychotherapy Research
Medidas del apego en el adulto : una reseña crítica
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Fundación AIGLE
Las raíces interpersonales de la ansiedad social
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Adaptación y validación de una escala para evaluar los estilos de apego
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JVE Ediciones (JVE)
Contacto corporal, transferencia y apego
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"Only connect" : the mutuality of attachment in the treatment of resilient adolescent
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Society for Psychotherapy Research
El legado de los vínculos tempranos : apego y autorregulación
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