Clinical concepts : the otherness of being
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International Universities Press
Surviving as scientist and dreamer: Winnicott and "The use of an Object"
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William Alanson White Institute
RelaçÆo, destruiçÆo e uso de objeto: egoidade e alteridade numa perspectiva epistêmica winnicottiana
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Associaçao Brasileira de Psicanálise
A teoria do desenvolvimento emocional de D. W. Winnicott
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Associaçao Brasileira de Psicanálise
Algumas idéais sobre Winnicott
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Winnicott e experiência artística
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Winnicott au présent; situation de Winnicott dans la psychiatrie et la psychanalyse contemporeines
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La question Winnicott
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Lo traumático : a partir de la perspectiva de Winnicott y hacia el pensamiento intersubjetivo
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Asociación Psicoanalítica de Buenos Aires
Reflexoes sobre uma metapsicología peculiar na obra de Winnicott
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The Johns Hopkins University Press
"Let's never ask him what to do" : Clare Britton's transformative impact on Donald Winnicott
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The Johns Hopkins University Press
Peering into one of Winnicott's "Blank spots"
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The Johns Hopkins University Press
In search of Winnicott's aggression
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Yale University
Reading Winnicott
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The Psychoanalytic Quarterly
A contribuiçao de D. W. Winnicott
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Táticas e técnicas psicanalíticas : D. W. Winnicott
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Psychoanalysis and the unconscious : and D. W. Winnicott's trasitional and related phenomena
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The Guilford Press
D. W. Winnicott : ¿clásico o moderno?
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