La régression du patient et l'analyste : contributions a la technique psychanalytique
.Balint, Michael
. En: La Psychanalyse : Publication de la Societé Française de Psychanalyse. , 2001. no. 7 (2001). ISSN: 2-84575-067-6. (A) ARTICULOIntroducción al diario
.Balint, Michael
. En: Sin simpatía no hay curación : el diario clínico de 1932.Buenos Aires :
, 1997. ISBN: 950-518-569-3. (A) CAPITULO
Le problème de la discipline
.Balint, Michael
. En: Revue Française de Psychanalyse.Paris :
, 1951. Vol. 15, no. 4 (1951). ISSN: 0035-2942. (A) ARTICULO
Societé Psychanalytique de Paris
La necesidad de selección
.Balint, Michael
. En: La capacitación psicológica del médico : evaluación de los resultados de un programa de posgrado para médicos clínicos.Barcelona :
, 1984. ISBN: 84-7432-213-8. (A) CAPITULO
.Balint, Michael
. En: La capacitación psicológica del médico : evaluación de los resultados de un programa de posgrado para médicos clínicos.Barcelona :
, 1984. ISBN: 84-7432-213-8. (A) CAPITULO
Géza Róheim 1891-1953
.Balint, Michael
. En: Revue Internationale d'Histoire de la Psychanalyse.Paris :
, 1991. no. 4 (1991). (A) ARTICULO
Presses Universitaires de France
Trauma y relación de objeto
.Balint, Michael
. En: Información Internacional de Psicoterapia y Psicoanálisis.Buenos Aires :
, [1970]. Año 3, no. 9 (1970). (A) ARTICULO
Ramon Alcalde
Two forms of regression - Benign and malignant
.Balint, Michael
. En: Bulletin of the Philadelphia Association for Psychoanalysis.Philadelphia :
, 1963. Vol. 13, no. 4 (december, 1963). (A) ARTICULO
Philadelphia Association for Psychoanalysis
On love and hate (1951)
.Balint, Michael
. En: Primary love and psychoanalytic technique. 2nd ed.New York :
, 1965. (A) CAPITULO
Perversions and geniality (1956)
.Balint, Michael
. En: Primary love and psychoanalytic technique. 2nd ed.New York :
, 1965. (A) CAPITULO
Contribution to the symposium on the theory of the parent-infant relationship (1961)
.Balint, Michael
. En: Primary love and psychoanalytic technique. 2nd ed.New York :
, 1965. (A) CAPITULO
Character analysis and new beginning (1932)
.Balint, Michael
. En: Primary love and psychoanalytic technique. 2nd ed.New York :
, 1965. (A) CAPITULO
On transference of emotions (1933)
.Balint, Michael
. En: Primary love and psychoanalytic technique. 2nd ed.New York :
, 1965. (A) CAPITULO
The final goal of psycho-analytic treatment (1935)
.Balint, Michael
. En: Primary love and psychoanalytic technique. 2nd ed.New York :
, 1965. (A) CAPITULO
Ego-strenght, ego-education, and "Learning" (1938)
.Balint, Michael
. En: Primary love and psychoanalytic technique. 2nd ed.New York :
, 1965. (A) CAPITULO
Changing therapeutical aims and techniques in psycho-analysis (1949)
.Balint, Michael
. En: Primary love and psychoanalytic technique. 2nd ed.New York :
, 1965. (A) CAPITULO
On the termination of analysis (1949)
.Balint, Michael
. En: Primary love and psychoanalytic technique. 2nd ed.New York :
, 1965. (A) CAPITULO
New beginning and the paranoid and the depressive syndromes (1952)
.Balint, Michael
. En: Primary love and psychoanalytic technique. 2nd ed.New York :
, 1965. (A) CAPITULO
On the psycho-analytic training system (1947)
.Balint, Michael
. En: Primary love and psychoanalytic technique. 2nd ed.New York :
, 1965. (A) CAPITULO
Analytic training and training analysis (1953)
.Balint, Michael
. En: Primary love and psychoanalytic technique. 2nd ed.New York :
, 1965. (A) CAPITULO
Psychosexual parallels to the fundamental law of biogenetics (1930)
.Balint, Michael
. En: Primary love and psychoanalytic technique. 2nd ed.New York :
, 1965. (A) CAPITULO
Two notes on the erotic component of the ego-instincts
.Balint, Michael
. En: Primary love and psychoanalytic technique. 2nd ed.New York :
, 1965. (A) CAPITULO
Critical notes on the theory of the pregenital organizations of the libido (1935)
.Balint, Michael
. En: Primary love and psychoanalytic technique. 2nd ed.New York :
, 1965. (A) CAPITULO
Eros and Aphrodite (1936)
.Balint, Michael
. En: Primary love and psychoanalytic technique. 2nd ed.New York :
, 1965. (A) CAPITULO